Monday, February 8, 2010

Can't Stop Crafting

I don't know if it is just the colder weather and I don't want to go out, but I just can't stop crafting. It could just be all of those wonderful, inspiring craft blogs that I can't get enough of. My Mom brought over her Cricut and her sewing machine and I have been having a great time with both. Here is a sampling of some of my latest projects:

Valentine's Day garland made with the Cricut

Heart garland made with the Cricut

Ribbon baby blanket

Easy bathroom curtains (made with a bath towel... he he)

My first dress


Naomi said...

I'm gonna get hooked on craft blogs now too if it means that I'll be as talented as you! Super cute projects Ericka!

Liz H. said...

look at you! i'm very impressed!

Katie said...

WOW!! Look at you. I love those curtains and the garland!